Flourishing academically, spiritually and socially.


We follow the admissions procedures of Bury local authority.
If you are interested in a place at St. Peter's starting in Nursery, please contact the school office.
If you are interested in a place at St. Peter's starting in Reception, please refer to: Applying for a place at primary school (below)
If you are looking for a place at St. Peter's for your child at other times than the start of Nursery or the start of Reception, please refer to: Applying to move your child to a different primary school (below)
Oversubscription criteria
Children with Special Educational Needs or an Education, Health & Care Plan will be given a place at the school named on their EHCP. 
Children who meet the Hard to Place (HTP) criteria will be placed by Bury's In Year Fair Access Protocol (IYFAP).
When schools are oversubscribed, priority for allocation of places will be as follows:- 
1. Children in public care (Looked After Children) and previously looked after children.
2.  Children who will have an older brother or sister in the school in September 2025.  For this purpose, a brother or sister may be a full or step-brother or a full or stepsister, living at the same address, at the time of admission. 
3.  Other children
If there is over-subscription in any category, places will be offered using a straight line distance measurement from home to school.